


  • I have missed Glitch so very much and am so thankful for those of you who are bringing it back to us.
  • I've missed Glitch so much since the end :(
    I've been playing around on CoU, and it's nice to get the basic experience back, but there's never anyone logged in and their forums are dead (-ish). Everything seems so much livelier here.

    Sadly, I think that I'll be last in line for the Alpha testing; I'm really really introverted, and even when the original Glitch was still up I rarely chatted with anyone else. But it'll still be nice, if/when eleven sees the light of day in a general release, to get back to spice grinding and cooking :)
  • It's a really nice feeling knowing that the Glitch community is returning. I am so proud and happy to be here!
  • edited February 2015
    Holy crap, you know the party's good when you hear sirens! Welcome @Sirentist! I've missed you so much. Now to answer the question: Which will happen first, me getting into alpha or JC's second coming? (See here for disambiguation of which Jesus I'm waiting on: http://www.glitchthegame.com/snaps/PHVINVIN7792C8I/179771-3cda217468/)
  • So every couple of months I google Glitch. I never really knew why, but I'm so glad that I did so today and heard about Eleven! This is so exciting and I'm so happy. Thank you to all those bringing Glitch back!
  • Everyone is doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work. <3 We're going home.
  • edited March 2015
    sorry, wrong list!
  • Hi, never played Glitch, but a friend says I should have done! Hope to join everyone soon.
  • Welcome @Doveblend !! Glad to see new faces in here as well as lots of old friends. Very excited for all you new folks, you will come to love the game as much as us old timers! :)
  • I am literally crying right now.
    Literally. Several years ago, I played glitch and was immediately swept away. I grew super attached to it.
    But then, I drifted away momentarily and returned, just to find out the game was deleted. My heart hurt (and still hurts) so much. I miss Glitch ;-;
    I am glad that it is being reborn. I loved Glitch, and hope this will be a success.
    You don't understand how much I am crying.
    No one will understand ;-;
  • Aww yonayona! Welcome back my friend I hope you're able to play and reclaim the magic as soon as possible : )
  • Thank you :3
    I'm so glad to be back
  • Woohoo!! I am sooo thankful! Very happy to see everyone and can't wait to get back to making sparkle powder!! ^_^
  • Two of my friends introduced me into glitch (we've gone our separate ways now) when I was about 13. I came up with the name captain Morgan and dressed like a pirate like all 13 year olds? My first impression of the game was "pfft this game looks babyish, why do my friends like this? I'll give it a day."
    By the time my friend took me to the arctic -with the snowcones- I was crazy about the game. I told my sister, who eventually joined me in the game and I told my parents, who didn't join me in the game lol.
    After a month had past, Tiny Speck announced that they were going to close down Glitch and by the time it sunk in, it was closed down!!! I spent the last two years in melancholy (well that is a slight exaggeration,) but now I've found eleven! If you guys need players to buy addons I will because glitch is the second best game I've ever played so far (my first is gta v lol)
    Thanks A LOT to the guys and girls who are bringing this game back on the internet and back to life, I'm hoping to play in 2000 and 15?
  • So happy!! Hello to all friends old and soon to be new!! Love and hugs from Spicypup!
  • The best game ever returns! And this time I will be playing with friends and making a YouTube series! Thank you so much Eleven, for bringing back this game! I will be playing at launch, so if anyone wants to meet up in game PM me!
  • I never played glitch, but so many people are talking about it I'm incredibly interested. I'd love to see how it all comes together!
  • Welcome @Chip! Always good to see fresh meat...er, um, lovely new players! :)
  • Thankyou,thankyou ,so happy,just cant wait,joy and more joy.
  • Just so happy there's a chance Glitch will be back in some form... It always seemed such a shame that the massive amount of work all the Dev's put in, not to mention the countless hours us Glitchen logged to make Ur such a special place, could just disappear..

    I've seen a few people say the same, but i'll be back of the line as far as alpha testing goes, i was never the most social person in Glitch! but will just be glad to be back.... man is that going to be one hell of a party!
  • Ohhhhh super huggies to everyone! Welcome and welcome back home.
  • Hey everyone! I wasn't in Glitch before it shut down, but I've heard a lot about this amazing game from some former Glitchen over on the Deepworld forums, and I'm excited to see it open again soon!
  • Welcome to a preposterous game/group Rockster514!
  • edited April 2015
    Crow Corvus is doing the raven dance and can't wait to look for shiny things when the game goes live again or before in alpha or beta testing.................................
  • Excuse me for never introducing myself! Hello, my name is Cam Cam, and I am a saxophone player. I played glitch for about two years before and honestly I can not recall where I found glitch! I might have seen it featured on a g4 program Attack of the Show or x-play? :o
  • @"crow corvus" if you see @Sirentist, watch out. She'll probably beat you to death with a shovel and dance in your guts like she did with all the crows in Deepworld. ;) (Just kidding)

    @"cam cam" Hi! Nice to make your acquaintance.
  • caw, rattle, click, drops mirror fragment....................but my disguise was so effective! good point though I shall be wary as crows tend to be as I am fond of my guts :) Thanks for the heads up and welcome.
  • Hello everyone! I remember hearing about the Eleven project in the weeks after Glitch went down, but never really paid attention to it until now. I'm really impressed by how dedicated the team is and what a good job they are doing at creating that same magic again. I'm also happy to see that so many fans are on board here - I was never the most active in the original community, but I see several names I recognize. Awesome to know that I might have a chance to explore that huge, pretty world that was Ur again.
  • I'm extremely happy right now. I was talking to a coworker about social MMOs and mentioned Glitch to her and told her how engaging it was and she said she had to read about it. It sounded itneresting enough, she was weirded out by why it would close. This evening she said that she was researching Glitch and ran across this site and forum and told me that it looks like a fan relaunch. I'm over the moon and extremely excited. Can't wait for the launch when it comes, but I'll be here offering my support as much as possible! Heya Glitchens!
  • Hello m8's, I'm called Kool. I come from Deepworld just like @Outofthelyric and a few other players. I found out about glitch from Sirentist on Deepworld like some of the other deepworlders here. Since that glitch is abandoned this is the next best thing. I hope to make some new friends here! ~ Koolio.
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