


  • Hi everybody!! So fun to see so many familiar names!
  • Hi again everyone! So so good to see so many familiar names. I have avoided too much talking about Glitch online because I was too sad when it finished (had been at home there since Alpha!) Now, it really seems that it will come back and I can have my piggies back! That would be wonderful, I am so happy and grateful.
    Also second or third or fourth! what Ann DramaDuh said about adding to any subscription to help out others, I would love to do that.
    Waves, Hi Fives and Hugs to all my old friends.
  • arrrrrrr have sailed into a Glitchy kind of place :D very tight squeeze in this little port to leave a message... will need some help from the luminous ones... trying to wave at ladyceres and distant and gypsy
  • Waves at Mokaya..waves at Lady.. The Luminous are ready to board..hugs to all !
  • Hi there,

    I assume you have already looked at the name of the user who made this comment, so you will see that my username is toadlover. I'm an active member back on the Deepworld forums, which is where quite a few Glitchen took refuge after Glitch went down. I've heard some cool things about this game, and I'd love to check it out once it is in a playable state (be it in an open testing stage or when it is finally up).

  • Hello!
    Assuming that you're not too lazy you'll problably see by now that I'm called "Outofthelyric"!
    I am (like @Toadlover) a resider of the deepworld forums that heard from Glitch back in early 2013 from a certain character by the name of @Sirentist who I believe was an Ex glitch player as well.
    'Thought that Glitch was going one of these games that I would adore but never get a chance to play.
    Joined straight after the links towards this site had been posted on the deepworld forums!

    One hing you should know about me:
    I hate patatoes,

    That's all!
  • Why hello there! I also come from the Deepworld community, and, as the rest, we originally heard about this game from the ex player @Sirentist. It will be interesting to see what it is like here, and I hope to check this game out once its playable (like toadlover said.) I hope its no bother that we're bringing some people from our community out here. One of our players stumbled upon the website and we decided to check it out. I am glad to be here and finally be able to check out what its like here.
  • Welcome to the Deepworld players! Glad you found us. Look forward to more joining. I originally came from another game and the Glitch community welcomed us. Glad to be able to turn around and do the same for others! Though note to self, when @Outofthelyric gets in world, leave lots of potatoes on the home street :D

    Glad to see @Sirentist is spreading the good news! Always has been a great ambassador for the game!
  • I actually don't know if Siren knows about this. I didn't hear about the Glitch restart from her, and haven't heard her mention it. I guess someone should probably tell her that this is a thing, in case she doesn't know.
  • I believe Siren is on staff, so I rather hope she's heard about it ; )
  • Ah, ok. I guess the fact that she doesn't own an account here under the name "Sirentist" helped lead me to think that she somehow didn't hear about this.
  • Yeah that confused me also, but her little Glitchy picture is on the Team page, and I've heard about her exploits, so I can only assume she's here somewhere!
  • edited February 2015
    You're in trouble bud.....

    But I've got to ask:
    Has there been any information surrounding an open beta at all?
    Or if not: how does getting selected for the closed alpha work?
  • @Outofthelyric - there have been a few posts by @ladyceres and few of the other devs about closed alpha for getting selected, but you have to dig for them... one post is here in the queuing thread:

    And here's some more input from @ladyceres:

    Here's a comment from @KaiyonAlatar:

    There's probably some others from the other devs...I've just not looked through the threads for them.

    I suspect there will be an Open Beta at some point in the future, but I'm not a dev, so it's just a complete guess on my part. I suspect when things get more stable there will be more opportunities to be let in under closed Alpha...for now, those of us that are in, will continue to post pictures and such to this thread since the devs gave us the go ahead to post about our adventures:

    (writes second note to self about potatoes...)
  • Hi everyone! Hugs!! Happy sigh :D ~ Was Fyxxen and had an alt Vivid
  • (If you even dare to talk about patatoes in my presence I will hunt you down and pet all your pigs @b3achy.....)
    Thanks for the heads up.
    Think I might que for a position then.
  • edited February 2015
    Sirentist is staff yes, and no idea how far away Beta would be, since its closed Alpha atm, not staff either, but (oh also I play Deepworld on occassion but not all that often , Eeons-Earlier) .....but.....currently a lot of things in game work, not everything though, instanced areas and Subways & Hell and Home Streets, are MIA still, costume and wardrobe isnt integrated yet, Encyclopedia, Auction, are all MIA , BUT Skills work, tools work, days, inventory, maps, chat, quests, vendors, quoins, cards, a lot of the main systems are working albeit buggy but it is Alpha so its to be expected.
  • The pictures from the alpha testers just brings home to me how much the devs have accomplished. I am so grateful and impressed by all the work you've done on a volunteer basis. Thank you all.
  • Can't wait to drink flaming humbabas!
  • Lets share the love, Happy Hearts Day

  • Siren is MIA from here at the moment, but she helped me out enormously with getting the items back in the world. I'm hoping she will join us again for the next phase.
  • Oh and regarding Alpha/Beta and selection or whatever, those posts do pretty much sum it up...thanks @b3achy!

    Right now we're working on the rather serious stability issues - this was actually the whole point of the current alpha phase though. These new server layers still require a lot of attention, as rebuilding a game is arguably harder than starting from scratch in some ways...things crash for reasons you can't predict since we don't have a clear understanding of what the dependencies are. It's pretty funny how fixing one thing ends up fixing a handful of others, and we had no idea those things were even related. Currently we're holding back on adding more feature fixes (like we have featured on the throwaway server) until the stability is much improved...THEN we can think about adding more people. Also, volunteer effort, things take time, etc...hang in there!
  • Take your time devs : ) I'm honestly just grateful there's an Ur again! Living vicariously through the snaps will do for now : )

    Though it's always interesting to hear these developmental updates! It'd be really cool if there were some sort of small developmental blog on the forums with these sorts of details : ) Not that I want to add more work to your plate @ladyceres ; )
  • Hehe - it's been on my mind that we need a blog update in general. I'm currently away for the weekend though, so nothing from me until I get back to normal!
  • Hi all, thank you to the powers that be starting this up. I got into glitch by shear chance in the last few months and instantly hooked. Cannot wait to see what's in store.

    Quotient :-)
  • Hello all!
    Some of you, like toadlover and all of you deepworld gamers might know me from the forums. I have the exact same story as them. And man, have I heard SO MANY good things about this game. :) Can't wait!
  • Ohhhhh Hugs to everyone!
  • Hi everyone! Like toadlover, etc. I'm also from the Deepworld forums. I've heard about Glitch for a while and it always seemed interesting, so I'm glad to finally get a chance to experience it!
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