Guess the street!
I saw this idea @smallchalet had on the chronicles thread and thought it was brilliant! It's a guessing thread where there's a picture of a street without the name or any sort of clue but the terrain to guess where it is. I thought it was a cool idea so I figured I'd get the ball rolling! Try and guess! I'll give out a hint if it gets too difficult! If this idea flops then we can just ignore this thread was ever created ._.

You can use the Glitch encyclopedia and snaps page to help! Links will open a new tab!

You can use the Glitch encyclopedia and snaps page to help! Links will open a new tab!
I'm not good at picking street... hehe... feel free to message me with streets!
Love the first picture, and never noticed the scary face behind the sign before. Good capture. I also love all the places in the game with the log bridges! Thanks again for starting this thread. If I have some pictures, I'll message them to you for you to include as the game progresses. BTW, I don't think anyone ever guessed the location of the one in the Alpha Chronicles thread (so, I bet you could use that one again too).
@the current pic: I believe it is Deodak Nabak in Fenneq, but this one was haaaaard! I tried to restrict myself to the resources currently available to everyone. Fun!!
Got it! Give it a shot
I remember because this was the location for my scene in @tis's famous Dead of Ur. That was a lot of fun to "shoot". I also recently passed through here after our last reset on my way to Pollokoo so finding the exact street was a little faster than it might have been otherwise.
*Quickly runs to grab more screenshots as I forgot to do it this morning because im super lazy*
The only reason I knew is because I spent a few hours today looking through snaps and taking note of their locations.
One more:
these must be the most sacred quoins in all of Ur