Glitchy Resolutions!
I know the new year has passed now, but what are some of your Resolutions for Eleven? How are you going to play Eleven differently from the way you played Glitch?
Alternatively what are some of your goals going to be in Eleven? What do you want to do that you never got a chance to do in Ur!
Alternatively what are some of your goals going to be in Eleven? What do you want to do that you never got a chance to do in Ur!
I think I may put more time into developing my home street and animal skills at the very beginning of the game, and to start learning teleportation and meditation much earlier. My region completist badges can wait this time; Ur will still be there.
(I never take pictures in RL-- they never look the way I remember things looking, so I don't bother and I don't miss them. But I really regret not having more pictures of my experience in Ur.)
Also, I was just plain dumb about skill learning. Every possible way I could have made it harder for myself, I did. This time, I'm going to figure out a plan, and stick to it.
I will sell only as many as I need to recoup any costs incurred (ie: buying resources), and the rest will be hatched on public streets or given away for free.
(And of course I have to thank you because I make a lot of my money nibbling pigs and squeezing chickens as I pass through streets on the way to anywhere I'm going! So if you populate them for me I owe you ; ))
Haha, I'm just kidding.