Glitchy tributes? :)
Glitch was always a game about imagination and crafting, and as evidenced by the large demand to bring it back, I know it touched a lot of people. So has anyone made any Glitchy things irl? Any sort of craftiness or art would be neat. And if anyone else was preposterous enough to get a Glitch tattoo, I'd be thrilled to see those, too. ;P
As for me, I'm hoping to cross-stitch a scene from An Autumn Day at some point - but it'll be a while off, because making the pattern's going to be a huuuge butt.
As for me, I'm hoping to cross-stitch a scene from An Autumn Day at some point - but it'll be a while off, because making the pattern's going to be a huuuge butt.
*!* dope *!*
i have frequent Glitch dreams but thats about it {#_#}
Sno-Cone Vendor:
So, someday there will be more Cubimals. Probably.
I have started way too many Glitch projects and never ended up finishing them.
Yeti Pouch:
Yeti Plush:
Yoga Frog Cubimal:
I would also love to see Glitchy tattoos if anyone has gotten inked. Someday I'd like to get the Scion, or maybe my butler.
I am in Second Life virtual world and someone there has made cubimals and the snowcone vendor (I think maybe it's Intrigue? - tho I don't know her player name in Glitch) And they are also adorable!
^^ those are by Intrigue.. will have to find the snowcone vendor These are my Glitch tattoos. I got them Tuesday (Dec 9) and I'm really happy with how they came out.
what I mean
go on paint it flip it horizontal and read it
Text :
The meehanleat took (eg the jointed the ??? while is a legacy of one of oust old back stories in a mechanical world
the teally
above of textures of the head
looking at the euvent development avatar
("avatar_configurator swf) we definetely need to get rid of???
Nooone else there knew the game but I didn't care, I was just so happy to see her running around the world whenever I looked in the mirror :')